主题:  有几个小项目,其中一个是小游戏


注册:2007/7/13 13:53:44
#12007/7/13 14:57:41
呵呵。主要是和php 通信。facebook什么的,大家不用管。是程序员搞的活。
有兴趣的联系我: qq: 3998005 请注明3D或shockwave,我一般不加人。

1 Life Application

Please see www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2459651173

Drips / Bites extra must be able to correspond with changing stats

Director MX Programming

Stats have basic animation. These basic animations are meant to directly relate to the statistics. The stats are coded in php I need someway for them to be albe to link to the animations

Would like the viewing mechanism recreated but only if can be moved without jitter as now. Squares

Animation / 3D objects

I will provide links of what I wish for all 3D objects to look like

Everything must look real

Drips must look excellent (with rings ect)

Level changes (must relate to statistics)

Lots more 3d images will need to be added soon ( will pay extra for them)

2 Interactive Globe

Please see www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2416384069

I need a 3d globe with dots on of all the major cities and tourist places
It should spin and user should be able to zoom in any where on it
Each country should be a button….which can be clicked and when clicked globe stops spinning and users view is zoomed to just that country
Countrys should light up when when mouse on them

User should be able to plan their trip using the globe
Every user has a home town.
They then search using the globe and choose a destination, and then another destination and then more and more……

Example home town London. Next destination Hong Kong by plane. There should be an arched line drawn from London to Hong Kong

Trips by plane are 3d arches, boat wavy linesand car/bus flat lines

If trip is in the future the lines should be slightly transparent, if in past should be solid


Zoom in on country

Country as buttons to zoom in on

Dots of cities visable when zoomed in on – buttons

Trips tracked with 3d arches /lines between dots
Flights = Arches Car
Bus = Flat Line
Boat = Wavy line

Arrow should be one continuous thing with arrow head at the current location

3 Virtual Fish Tank

Fish respond to food – Eat / Grow / Shrink / Die

User adds Food

Fish must be able to tell where the food is when it is entered

User Cleans tank

Realistic behaviour

I wish provide links of what I want fish to look like 20 different types of fish

20 different animations

Different selection of object to decorate tank with ….coral / rocks

Fish must interect with the tank (coral etc) fish must hide in holes sometimes

Fish must interact with each other

UV light effect

4 Virtual Fire

Realist Burn Behaviour – Logs burning must spread like real life

If too big a log are placed on fire the fire should go out

Interactive Blower

Interactive Poker

Lighter blocks / matches

Realistic Smoke

Add Logs Large / Small
Add Coal

Realistic flame effect like www.wondertouch.com/

Realistic smoke

Interactive demo of how to start a fire

Fire must go out if not maintained