主题:  Director MX New Features Overv


注册:2000/9/16 9:26:36
#12002/10/19 17:00:24
* Accessibility
* Debugger and Script Window Improvements
* Flash Integration: Flash Communication Server
* Flash Integration: Flash Remoting
* Flash Integration: Flash Objects From Scripting
* Flash Integration: Flash Launch and Edit
* Message Window Improvements
* Macromedia User Interface
* Object Inspector
* OS9 Projectors From OSX
* New Lingo Definitions

Screenshot Director MX

The Accessibility feature provides tools to aid in the development of accessible content for the hearing and sight impaired. The feature includes a new cross platform Speech Xtra which converts text to speech without the need for a screen reader technology, and several Accessiblity Behaviors to allow control over speech, tabbing, item hilighting, synchronization of text with words spoken by the Speech Xtra. Tabbing control behaviors allow the Director author to define explicitly the tabbing order for accessible content, as compared with tabbing imposed by screen reader technologies. This feature is supported in authoring, Shockwave and projectors. In order to provide this functionality a number of new global Lingo methods have been introduced that allow for conversion of text to speech as well as having some control over the volume and format of the produced audio. All of the new Lingo methods are supported by the presence of the Speech Xtra.

Debugger and Script Window Improvements

The Script Window and the Script Debugger are now unified so that the Debugger is actually a specific mode of the Script window. The Debugger mode of the Script window displays 3 debugging panes: the Call Stack pane, Variable pane and the Watcher pane, all of which are located on the left side of the Script Window. These will only be visible when the user enters a debugging context, which means that either a breakpoint has been encountered or when the user has chosen to debug a script error. When a breakpoint is encountered, the application will search for an open script window with the same name as the script in which the breakpoint exists and switch that window into debugging mode. If such a window is not found then a new script window will be opened showing the appropriate code in debugging mode.

It is important to note that the Watcher pane is now only available in the debugger. Therefore if you are not in a debugging session then it's simply not available and the Object Inspector should be used instead. The Watcher pane also has the added advantage of color coding the last property whose value has changed. Example, invoke the debugger, add a list of properties into the Watcher and then start stepping through lines of code. When a variable's value changes that's being "watched", that variable's entry in the Watcher pane gets colored red for easy identification.

The Watcher pane is movie specific, in that the items you enter into the Watcher pane are saved with the movie. Therefore if you add a bunch of properties to the Watcher pane, save the movie, open a new movie and then re-open your original movie, those values will once again appear. This also means that if you navigate between movies in authoring whatever you have entered in the Watcher will be tossed out and the new movie's items will be loaded in. There are additional Script Window and Debugger features worth mentioning:

The Variable pane contains 3 tabs, one each for All, Local, and Global variables.
The Watcher pane has 4 Watch tabs in which objects can be entered.
Text is colorized in the Watcher pane as debugging proceeds and object values are updated.
Variable pane and Watcher pane Name and value columns are sortable.
Some workflow aids have been added to the Script Window, represented by several new buttons: Line Numbering, Auto Coloring, Auto Formatting, Alphabetical 3D Lingo, Categorized 3D Lingo, Scripting Xtras. Additionally there is a button to inspect objects in the Object Inspector, as well as a button to add an expression to the Watcher pane of the Script Window Debugger. The button to watch an expression is disabled unless you are currently in a debugging session.

The Auto Coloring and Auto Formatting buttons control the ability to turn off the overhead of those features during refresh of the Script window. The net effect of turning off that functionality results in better input responses for editing large scripts. All of the 3D Lingo references have been removed from the non-3D Lingo dropdown menus and placed in the Alphabetical and Categorized 3D Lingo buttons. The Scripting Xtras button lists all the methods available from each of the loaded Xtras, as well as a put the interface option for each Xtra.

Flash Integration - Flash Communication Server

Director MX created movies that contain Flash assets will now be able to utilize the functional capabilities provided by the Macromedia Flash Communication Server. This includes the ability to access installed USB or FireWire cameras as well as installed microphones. Client movies will now be able to connect to a FlashCom server and participate in multi-user environments through video and audio based messaging as well as through text and object based messaging. The support of this functionality involves only a single new Lingo command, beyond that the embedded Flash assets will need to have their own ActionScript code or on the Director user will need to create all necessary Flash objects using the new Flash Objects From Scripting feature. The new Lingo command is designed to provide access to the Flash Settings panel (this is one of many entries that appears in the Flash player's context menu and it is used to control various aspects of audio, video communication along with Flash player data storage amounts that are allowed). To allow the display of the Settings dialog you should use the new settingsPanel Flash sprite method.

Flash Integration - Flash Remoting

Macromedia now has a product known as Macromedia Flash Remoting MX that allows client Flash movies to connect with a web application server and access web services directly via ActionScript. Director MX produced movies that contain Flash assets will be able to take advantage of the functionality provided by Flash Remoting, this includes access to Macromedia ColdFusion MX, Microsoft .NET, Java, and SOAP-based web services. There are no new Lingo terms associated with the support of this feature, instead the user will need to utilize embedded Flash assets that contain the necessary ActionScript or by using the Flash Objects From Scripting feature of Director MX to create the needed objects and access their properties and methods.

Flash Integration - Flash Objects From Scripting

Director MX and the new Flash Asset Xtra will also now support a greater degree of Lingo and ActionScript integration. This will be achieved by allowing Lingo to create Flash objects from within native Lingo code. These objects can vary from the array, boolean or date objects through to net stream objects for use with a Flash Communication Server. In order to support this new functionality we have introduced new Lingo that allows the creation and referencing of ActionScript objects, the ability to declare callback handlers for those objects as well as adding an additional capability to the getVariable command. This is achieved through the two new Flash sprite methods newObject and setCallback in addition to two new global Flash methods clearAsObjects and setCallback. The traditional getVariable method has been modified to accept an additional parameter that can be used to return an ActionScript value reference instead of a string value representation.

Once an ActionScript object has been created using Lingo, all properties and methods of that object become available directly off the reference stored in Lingo. Therefore you can use all Lingo coding to generate, use and manipulate ActionScript objects within a Flash sprite on stage.

This allows you to take advantage of all the various ActionScript objects directly within your Lingo code. Therefore users will need to consult with the Flash documentation in order obtain a complete list of objects that can be created (those with a newObject creator method) and the properties and methods available on each object type.

Flash Integration - Flash Launch and Edit

Flash cast members are now enabled to take advantage of launch and edit capability if you have Macromedia Flash MX installed. To support this functionality Flash cast members now have a new property named sourceFileName that is used to store the path to the cast member's source file (*.fla file), the property defaults to an empty string. When you double-click on a Flash cast member or on a sprite using a Flash cast member Director will attempt to open that member's source file in Flash MX for editing. If no source file is specified a browse window will appear allowing the user to navigate to and select the appropriate source file. Upon completion of editing you can click the Done button that appears in Flash and the changes will be saved and applied to the cast member within your movie. In addition to invoking the browse dialog box you can also set the member's sourceFileName property via Lingo or by using the Property Inspector. With this new capability you will also notice that you can specify the Flash authoring application as an external editor within Director's preferences.

If you do not have Flash MX installed then you will not be able to invoke a launch and edit session, in such a case double-clicking on a member or a sprite will invoke the traditional Flash Asset Options dialog box. If you do have Flash MX installed then this dialog box is invoked via the Options button that appears on the Flash tab of the Property Inspector.

Message Window Improvements

There are now two panes in the Message Window, the top pane is used for input while the bottom pane is used for output, the bottom pane is read-only and will not take any input. To help differentiate between the two the top pane has a white background while the bottom pane is grey. This allows a movie to be executing and using put statements to display information in the Message Window's output pane while simultaneously allowing the user to enter and execute Lingo commands in the input pane. The two panes of the Message Window are separated by a horizontal divider that allows you to adjust the sizes of the two panes. If you drag the divider all the way to the bottom of the pane (making only the input pane visible) then the window's behavior reverts to that of previous releases, meaning both input and output will occur in the one visible pane. Note that this is not possible by moving the horizontal divider to the top of the window.

Finally, there are also a few new or modified buttons in the Message Window: Alphabetical 3D Lingo, Categorized 3D Lingo, Scripting Xtras, watch expression, inspect object and a clear button. All of the 3D Lingo references have been removed from the non-3D Lingo dropdown menus and placed in the Alphabetical and Categorized 3D Lingo buttons. The Scripting Xtras button lists all the methods available from each of the loaded Xtras, as well as a put the interface option for each Xtra. The watch expression and inspect object buttons add the currently selected chunk expression to the Watcher pane or the Object Inspector respectively. The watch expression button is disabled unless you are currently in a debugging session. Finally the clear button clears the output pane of the Message Window, if the horizontal divider has been positioned such that the Message Window shows and uses only the input pane, then pressing the button will clear the input pane.

Macromedia User Interface

Director's User Interface has received a major update in this release. The User Interface changes are designed to improve developer workflow, reduce window clutter and increase compatibility with the other applications in the MX family of products. For detailed information on the User Interface redesign, see the User Interface Specification, found here.

Object Inspector

Similar in function to the Watcher Window of past releases, the Object Inspector (OI) allows the user to add variables or object references to its display and to see their values. If you add an object reference to the OI then you will be able to expand that entry and see all the sub-properties of that object. For example, if you want to monitor a sprite's loc and its blend you only need enter a reference to that sprite into the OI and then expand its entry to monitor both of those properties. You can enter a wide variety of objects into the OI including but not limited to Lingo objects, cast members, sprite references as well as references to Flash objects. Additionally, expressions can be evaluated in either the Name or the value cells of the OI, e.g. 28+345*768/89, or Lingo expressions, like new(#shockwave3d), or setting a variable to a list whose list items are expandable and editable.

The Object Inspector is session specific, not movie specific. Therefore once you enter properties/objects into the OI, they stay there until you either choose to remove them or quit Director. Therefore navigating between movies in authoring will not clear items from the OI thus allowing the inspection of global or persistent objects across movies during navigation. There are a few additional OI features worth mentioning:

Keyboard navigation: arrow key navigation is supported (up and down arrows to navigate listed object references, right arrow key to expand nested sub properties, left arrow to collapse objects with sub properties)
Auto Poll: off by default, and accessed via right clicking in the OI window, the Auto Poll feature updates system properties like the milliseconds, the ticks, etc. There is a processing overhead proportional to the number of entries in the OI, so having Auto Polling increases that additional overhead.
Clear All: aquick way to clear the OI is to use the Clear All option in the context menu available by right-clicking in the OI window.
return to top

OS9 Projectors From OSX

Director MX authoring will only be supported on Macintosh OS X systems whereas Shockwave and projector playback will continue to be supported on pre-OS X systems in addition to running natively under OS X. Therefore Director MX has the ability to produce projectors for use on pre-OS X Macintosh machines (OS 8.6 to 9.2). To provide for this functionality you will see a new folder in your Macintosh installation of Director that is named "Classic MacOS", in this folder are the necessary resources and Xtras that allow Director to create pre-OS X projectors.

In order to create a pre-OS X projector you must simply click on the options button in the Create Projector dialog box and on the options screen is a radio-button that allows you to choose the target platform for the projector, Mac OS X or the Classic Mac OS (again, OS 8.6 to 9.2).


注册:2001/5/11 12:41:55
#22002/10/19 17:23:45
靠!以为会叫Director 9,又是一个MX。


注册:2000/9/15 18:02:56
#32002/10/19 18:46:07

New Lingo Definitions




A global Flash method that is used to reset the global Flash player used for ActionScript objects. Do note that while this command resets the player it does not clear or reset references to those objects stored in Lingo (your Lingo references will persist but now refer to non-existant objects).



tObject = sprite(3).getVariable("gVar",FALSE)
tvalue = sprite(3).getVariable("gOtherVar",TRUE)

A Flash cast member method used to return the value of the specified variable. Passing a value of true causes this command to behave as it has in previous releases by returning a string representation of the variable's value. Passing a value of false causes this command to return an ActionScript value reference instead, thus allowing you to store references to Flash objects in Lingo using getVariable.


spriteReference.newObject(type, arg1, arg2, ... , argN)

tLocalConObject = sprite(3).newObject("LocalConnection")
tArrayObject = sprite(3).newObject("Array",23,34,19)

A Flash cast member method used to create an ActionScript object of the specified type. Initialization parameters are provided as comma delimited entries following the type specification. It returns a reference to the created object that can be stored in Lingo.


spriteReference.setCallback(actionScriptObject,function,handler,lingoObject )


A Flash sprite and a global method that is used to define a Lingo callback handler for the specified object function. When ActionScript triggers the object's function call that call is redirected to your Lingo handler including all arguments that are passed to the function.




A Flash sprite method that is used to invoke the Flash Settings dialog box to the specified panel index. The integer provided can have a value of 0, 1, 2 or 3, each value indicating a different panel to be active when the dialog is opened. If no value is provided then the default is to open panel index 0. An integer value of 0 opens the dialog showing the Privacy tab, a value of 1 opens it showing the Local Storage tab, a value of 2 opens it showing the Microphone tab and finally a value of 3 opens it showing the Camera tab.


memberReference.sourceFileName = stringFilePath

member("SWF").sourceFileName = "C:\FlashFiles\myFile.fla"

A Flash cast member property used to specify the source file to be used during launch and edit operations. It defaults to an empty string.



put voiceAvailable()
-- 1

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns a boolean value indicating whether or not an appropriate speech interface is available on the system.



put voiceCount()
-- 2

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns an integer indicating the number of available voices as determined by the installed speech engine.



put voiceGet()
-- 2

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns an integer indicating the current voice being used by the installed speech engine.



tPitch = voiceGetPitch()

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns the current voice pitch as determined by the installed speech engine.




A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns the current speaking rate as determined by the installed speech engine.



put voiceGetVolume()
-- 29

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns the current voice volume level. The range of return values is determined by the installed speech engine.



tResult = voiceInitialize()

A global method of the Speech Xtra that attempts to load the speech engine, the method returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the load was successful.



put voiceLoaded()

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the speech engine is loaded.




A global method of the Speech Xtra that pauses speaking. The exact moment of the pause is determined by the installed speech engine.




A global method of the Speech Xtra that resumes speaking after a previous pause() command was issued.



tNewVoice = voiceSet(2)

A global method of the Speech Xtra that sets the current voice to the specified voice index, then returns an integer indicating the actual voice index that was set. Out of range voice indexes will set the voice to the nearest voice value.



tPitch = voiceSetPitch(

A global method of the Speech Xtra that sets the pitch of the speech engine to the specified integer value, the method returns the new pitch value after the set attempt. The range of usable pitch values is determined by the installed speech engine, if you attempt to set the pitch to an unusable value the actual value used will not change.



tRate = voiceSetRate(16)

A global method of the Speech Xtra that sets the speech rate to the specified integer value, the method returns the new rate value after the set attempt. The range of usable rate values is determined by the installed speech engine, if you attempt to set the rate to an unusable value the actual value used will not change.



put voiceSetVolume(27)
-- 27

A global method of the Speech Xtra that sets the voice volume of the speech engine to the specified integer value, the method returns the new voice volume value after the set attempt. The range of usable voice volume values is determined by the installed speech engine, if you attempt to set the voice volume to an unusable value the actual value used will not change.



voiceSpeak("hello world")

A global method of the Speech Xtra that initiates the speaking of the specified string. If a previous string is still being spoken and hasn't yet completed, then the speaking of the previous string will be terminated and the new string begun.



put voiceState()
-- 0

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns an integer indicating the current state of speaking. A return value of 0 indicates that speaking is currently paused, a value of 1 indicates that speaking is stopped and a value of 2 indicates that it is playing.

NOTE: the return values for this command will change before the product ships. Instead of returning integer values the method will instead return symbol values indicating the state of playing. The values returned will likely be #stopped, #paused and #playing.




A global method of the Speech Xtra that stops speaking and clears the current stream. The exact moment of stopping is determined by the installed speech engine.



put voiceWordPos()
-- 14

A global method of the Speech Xtra that returns an integer indicating the current word number being spoken.

- Macromedia Confidential -


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